Nature & OutdoorNature & Outdoor

Rivers and ‘hidden’ beaches in Emilia-Romagna

by /// August 1, 2024
Estimated reading time: 7 minutes



Tranquility and refreshment along mountain rivers, relaxation in natural freshwater pools surrounded by woods and forests. These are some of the experiences offered by the Emilia-Romagna region, just a stone’s throw from historic villages.

Hidden beaches full of peace, fascinating waterfalls, fresh and clear waters, woods, and streams can become an excellent alternative to the sea for a day.

There are no specific prohibitions, but there are a few wise rules to follow, such as not straying from the shore, not diving, preferably in company, wearing water shoes, being aware of sudden changes in water temperature or depth, taking your rubbish home and, above all, respecting any bathing bans.

The territory of Emilia-Romagna is rich in enchanting spots: stretches of rivers and streams with natural pools and waterfalls. From Piacenza to Romagna, here are some addresses for a refreshing stop.


Bobbio (PC), Spiaggia sul fiume Trebbia
Bobbio (PC), Spiaggia sul fiume Trebbia | Credit: naeblys, via ShutterStock

The meandering course of the Trebbia river, with its clear waters, seems perfect for forming bends and coves. The Rivergaro area (20 km from Piacenza) is full of beaches where you can spend a day surrounded by nature.

Just follow the river and choose where to stop: in the Case Marchesi area, at Cisiano, on the small beaches under the Travo bridge or at Perino beach. From Perino it is possible to make a 15 km excursion in the Apennines to visit the Perino waterfalls.

Those travelling with their beloved pets can stop at Cavarelli, where there is a free area for four-legged friends on the river bank. We are now at the gates of Bobbio (11 km away), an ancient stop on the Via Francigena.

The beaches of Bobbio are all very nice. Under the Ponte Gobbo, at the so-called “Bobbio Beach”, families with children can settle down without too much walking.

Outside the town, in Coli, there is the Berlina beach, with white pebbles, fresh water and a sandy bottom. There are parking facilities and two mobile food stalls.

From Berlina Beach you can continue for another 4 km to Chiesetta Beach, with its very white sand and clear water. It is situated at the foot of a promontory where the village of Brugnello is located.

Returning to Bobbio, it is possible to reach the thermal waterfalls of Carlone. After parking the car, it is a 20-minute walk. In the Middle Ages, pilgrims on the Via Francigena used to stop here to refresh themselves before continuing their pilgrimage to Rome.


In the territory of Parma, the Ceno and Taro rivers flow between ancient mills and lush woods, forming beautiful pools of clear water.

Some beautiful beaches can be found in the Fornovo area, at the confluence of the Ceno and Taro rivers.

Starting from Fornovo (30 km from Parma) towards Varano De’ Melegari and following the course of the Ceno River, after 6 km, at the entrance to the village of Viazzano with its stone houses, a road on the left leads to the riverbed. Here, there is a large beach equipped with parking.

Continuing on the road, after 20 km, you are rewarded with the opportunity for a swim in the crystal-clear waters of a rock-carved pool in the municipality of Varsi. There is also an equipped area with parking and flat rocks for laying out a towel.

From Varsi, you can continue on Provincial Road 28 to stop at Bardi (13 km away), which has dominated the landscape for a thousand years with its towering castle on a red jasper spur, at the confluence of the Ceno and Noveglia streams. In Bardi, there is one of the most suitable stretches of the Ceno for swimming.

Venturing into the Ceno Valley, you discover a natural wonder: the Masanti waterfalls, also known as the Emerald Waterfalls, in Alta Val Ceno. The waterfalls are truly magnificent but not suitable for swimming. They can be reached via a forest trail starting from Masanti, a hamlet of Bedonia (20 km from Bardi).

As for the Taro River, it is always suitable for swimming from Fornovo upwards, towards the Apennine area. One of the most spectacular spots for immersing oneself is certainly Lido del Groppolo, in Tornolo (57 km, 53 minutes by car from Fornovo): you can spend a day among natural pools, a beach with benches, barbecue, bar, and picnic area.

Going up another 30 km between Borgo Val di Taro and Albareto, you come across the ancient Gotra dam emerging among the forests of the Apennines. The water is deep, and small jumps can be made, always with great caution.

Reggio Emilia

Villa Minozzo (RE), Cascata del Golfarone
Villa Minozzo (RE), Cascata del Golfarone | Credit: arneda, via ShutterStock

In the Apennines of Reggio Emilia, one of the most popular places to go in summer is Lido di Vetto, the equipped area overlooking the river: you can sunbathe, swim in the turquoise and clear water, have a picnic with friends or go to the bar, which is also open in the evening.

With a pair of boots and a rucksack, you can hike (23 km) to the area of Cedra and Selvanizza, where there are beautiful waterfalls.

Another jewel of the Reggiano Apennines is the Golfarone waterfall in the hamlet of Calizzo di Villa Minozzo (30 km from Vetto). The Secchiello stream has carved transparent pools in the rock. Although they are very inviting, diving is forbidden.

Other local waters where swimming is not allowed include the Lido Po in Guastalla and the mountain lakes: Lake Calamone in Ventasso and the Cerreto Lakes.


Fanano (MO), Lido di Fanano
Fanano (MO), Lido di Fanano | Credit: Ufficio Turistico di Fanano

At the edge of the Sassi di Roccamalatina Regional Park in Guiglia (34 km from Modena), a small village dating back to the year 1000 with a 16th-century tower, at the level of the Casona bridge over the Panaro river, there is a natural river beach, much loved by the locals. There is also a picnic area with barbecues.

More wild are the Bucamante waterfalls, half an hour from Modena. Located in a forest, they are crossed by a stream that forms several jumps of water where you can cool down on the hottest days. To get there, take the Abetone state road in the direction of SerramazzoniPavullo nel Frignano. After Torre Maina, continue to the Pazzano crossroads and you will reach Granarolo, from where there are two paths that can be followed in about 40 minutes.

Another small paradise for children is the Fanano River Park, in the Due Ponti area. Inside there is the Fanano Lido, an equipped area with a fishing pond. Continuing along the course of the Fellicarolo stream, at the level of an ancient stone fort, now converted into a B&B, there are low, stepped cascades where you can sunbathe with your feet in the water.


Castel del Rio (BO), Cascata del Moraduccio
Castel del Rio (BO), Cascata del Moraduccio | Credit: illpaxphotomatic, via ShutterStock

The large hilly and Apennine territory of Bologna, with its woods, streams, and watercourses, offers many corners of clear and inviting waters.

Starting from the most well-known river, the Reno, the liveliest beach is at Molino del Pallone, a hamlet of Alto Reno Terme (8 km from Porretta), overlooking the river, which at this point is swimmable with clear waters. This river park comes alive in summer with a beach with umbrellas, deck chairs, a bar, beach volleyball, and many events. From Bologna, you can take the train to Porretta, change here, and take the Porretta-Pistoia line: the beach is a few meters from the Molino del Pallone train station.

Another idyllic spot is the Moraduccio waterfall, outside Castel del Rio (26 km from Imola), on the Tuscan-Emilian border. The waterfall is also called “Rio dei Briganti,” and is about 30 meters high. You can sunbathe on rocky outcrops. The water is very cold, suitable for brief immersions. In any case, water shoes are mandatory to avoid slipping on the stones.

Around Castel Del Rio, there are various spots for swimming along the Santerno River: for example, under the Ponte degli Alidosi (quite crowded on weekends), in the river park of Fontanelice (18 km from Imola), and in the river park of Borgo Tossignano (15 km from Imola). Further downstream, there are various swimmable spots on the Sillaro in Castel San Pietro Terme.

Moving towards Sasso Marconi and the Setta River, a pebbly beach can be found in Marzabotto (32 km from Bologna) near the Piccolo Paradiso camping.


Premilcuore (FC), Grotta Urlante
Premilcuore (FC), Grotta Urlante | Credit: Wirestock Creators, via ShutterStock

A large National Park, rich in forests, woods, lakes, streams and very spectacular waterfalls, is a treasure for those seeking peace, relaxation and coolness. The National Park of the Casentinesi Forests, Monte Falterona and Campigna is located 1 hour by car from the Via Emilia (45 km from Forlì).

A series of natural pools of very cold water dot the valley of the Acquacheta waterfall. The most famous is the one formed by the waterfall of the same name, so picturesque that it was sung by Dante in the Divine Comedy. To get there, you can start from Portico di Romagna (42 km from Forlì) and reach San Benedetto in Alpe, from where the 407 path starts, a one and a half hour walk. From the viewpoint of the waterfall, in a few minutes you can reach another large natural basin, that of the Lavane waterfall.

The Grotta Urlante di Premilcuore is an enchanting place in the wild forest, mentioned by the Financial Times as one of Italy’s natural paradises. It can be reached from the hamlet of Giumella in Premilcuore. Here, the Rabbi River creates a noisy whirlpool that forms a waterfall that cascades under a 16th-century bridge. But beware! For safety reasons, access is restricted or suspended during the busiest periods, due to the risk of instability of the rocks. It is also strictly forbidden to dive into the cave.

Nearby are the natural clear water pools of Fiumicello, a hamlet of Premilcuore. From Fiumicello, a path of a few kilometres through woods and ridges, with a difference in altitude of a hundred metres, leads to the beautiful Mengozzi mill.

Equipped with a swimsuit and water shoes, you can also take a refreshing dip in the crystal-clear pools of Pietrapazza in Poggio alla Lastra (50 km from Forlì), in the area of Santa Sofia.

Another stop is Sarsina (45 minutes from Forlì), an ancient village in the Apennines. Here is the Civorio waterfall: you can swim in the lake at the foot of a 15-metre drop, in a natural rock amphitheatre.

In Bagno di Romagna (73 km from Forlì), you can cool off at the Pozza delle Gualchiere, also suitable for children. Another address is Alfero, a hamlet of Verghereto (20 minutes from Bagno di Romagna) in the Monte Fumaiolo area, from where the trail to the Alferello Waterfall starts, a wonderful natural water jump and wild place full of poetry.


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