Photo ValleyPhoto Valley

Photo Valley. Days of Photography in Emilia Romagna

by /// August 2, 2024
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes



Relaxing on the beach, an active holiday in the Apennine woods or visiting the art cities of Emilia Romagna?
These are different (and even complementary) ways to spend a holiday. Perhaps by taking photographs.
And would you like to see photos other than to ‘create’ them, here are some ideas.

  • Tracce Bellaria 1986 Album 4 pag 4 (foto n 41) Stampa baritata 30 x 40cm in cornice 34x45cm ©Mario Beltrambini
  • Atlas Italiae, 2013 ©Silvia Camporesi
  • “Ancora una volta sulle onde! Ancora una volta! E le onde balzano sotto di me come un destriero che conosce il suo cavaliere” (Childe Harold / Il pellegrinaggio del giovan Aroldo, III, 2, vv. 1-3) ©Giampiero Corelli, ByronContemporaneo
  • ©Cristiano Frasca, dalla mostra Con i piedi nel fango. Racconto ai margini della cronaca
  • Silent Sentinels ©Michele Palazzo, da This is Not New York: Generative explorations of the urban landscape
  • Adam Rouhana, Untitled from the series Before Freedom © Adam Rouhana, SI FEST 2024
  • ©Tara Laure Claire Sood – The Studio, PhMuseum Days 2024
  • ©Elio Luxardo, Gina Lollobrigida, in La ricerca della bellezza, ColornoPhotoLife 2024

In Riccione the exhibition Vivian Maier. Il ritratto e il suo doppio  (92 shots by the world’s best-known nanny photographer) is on, in Bellaria-Igea Marina you can visit Luminosa (images by Mario Beltrambini, Silvio Canini, Riccardo Di Giovanni), while in Savignano sul Rubicone Archivio Vivo  is on display with photographs by Silvia Camporesi and Cartes de visite. Immagini dalla fototeca comunale.

Il Segno dell’acqua by Andrea Bernabini and Byroncontemporaneo   by Giampiero Corelli are on show in Russi and Ravenna respectively; the new Spazio Antonioni, in Ferrara, is hosting Fuori fuoco: Giorgio Morandi / Cy Twombly.

In Bologna, too, there are several proposals. For example, Con i piedi nel fango. Racconto ai margini della cronaca by Cristiano Frasca and This is not New York by Michele Palazzo. Opening, instead, on 26 September for the exhibition dedicated to Tina Modotti.

Not to mention the international photography festivals that will animate the entire region in September: from the 33rd edition of SI FEST in Savignano sul Rubicone to Ph Museum Days in Bologna. Without forgetting the ColornoPhotoLife 2024 (15th edition) in Colorno.

Per non dire dei festival internazionali di fotografia, che a settembre animeranno tutta la Regione: dal SI FEST, alla 33° edizione, a Savignano sul Rubicone ai Ph Museum Days a Bologna. Per passare poi al ColornoPhotoLife 2024 (15° edizione) a Colorno.

Riccione, Bellaria–Igea Marina e Savignano sul Rubicone

Vivian Maier Il ritratto e il suo doppio is on in Riccione, in Villa Mussolini, a stone’s throw from the beach and Viale Ceccarini.
The exhibition is dedicated to the American photographer, who lived in anonymity until 2007, when her vast body of photographs, taken on the streets of New York and Chicago, came to light.
It consists of more than 120,000 negatives, Super 8mm and 16mm films, sound recordings, prints and hundreds of undeveloped rolls of film, discovered in trunks and drawers by John Maloof, a photographer by passion and real estate agent by profession.
The subjects range from street photography to portraits, from the world of children (which was also his world, being a ‘French nanny’ by profession) to self-portraits.
With a predilection for the reflection of her face in mirrors (this was one of the most usual systems for a self-portrait at the time) and for her shadow, which almost became her signature.
Until 3 November, 2024.

Self – portrait, Chicago, July 27, 1971 ©Estate of Vivian Maier, Courtesy of Maloof Collection and Howard Greenberg Gallery, NY
Self – portrait, Chicago, July 27, 1971 ©Estate of Vivian Maier, Courtesy of Maloof Collection and Howard Greenberg Gallery, NY

The Centro Culturale Vittorio Belli in Bellaria – Igea Marina (RN) is hosting a photographic exhibition that speaks of the territory and the issues dear to Vittorio Belli, the doctor, naturalist and archaeologist who at the beginning of the 20th century conceived a place of resort (from which Igea Marina would derive) in harmony with nature, art and the resources of the territory.
Through the images by Mario Beltrambini (Nelle oasi del vuoto), Silvio Canini (Umbratile), and Riccardo Di Giovanni (Cantiere fotografico), collected in Luminosa , one enters the remains of the world of the colonies, a sort of seaside archaeology, becomes aware of the ‘tourist landscape’ and observes how the play of shadows is transformed into graphisms.
Until 7 September, 2024.

Archiving is to give meaning to things, tracing a thread that links them in order to preserve them, giving them the dignity of existence. Archivio Vivo 2004-2024 was born as a response to these considerations, and from Silvia Camporesi’s archives two works, are Indizi terrestri e Ofelia (2003) and Atlas Italiae (2013), re-emerged and placed inside the Suffragio church in Savignano sul Rubicone (FC), together with her work (2023) on the floods that hit Romagna (Sommersi salvati). And the Fototeca comunale Marco Pesaresi is hosting the Cartes de visite exhibition.
Both until 29 September, 2024

Ravenna, Russi e Ferrara

The Antichi Chiostri francescani in Ravenna are hostingByroncontemporaneo by Giampiero Corelli, who gave his own interpretation to the work of Lord Byron, who lived (also in the literal sense of the term) the idea of Romanticism.
Among journeys, verses, love affairs and scandals, the poet made a long stopover in Ravenna, from 1819 to 1823. He wrote about the city: ‘Ravenna preserves more of the old Italian style than any other city. It remains out of the way of travellers and so this style has remained original’. The exhibition introduces the opening of the Byron and Risorgimento Museum in the autumn.
Until 25 October, 2024

Built in the 17th century by the Counts of Rasponi, this imposing summer residence stands out in the countryside of Russi (RA). After a period of abandonment, it has been restored and is now a venue for museum, recreational activities, and exhibitions.
Such as Andrea Bernabini’s  Il segno dell’acqua che è ovunque tu guardi, nelle pareti, nei soffitti, negli alberi, a ricordarti di una parte della tua vita spazzata via (in short, Il segno dell’acqua). The images, documents with a strong artistic imprint, focus on the floods of 2023 and invite questions about the future of the territory and our relationship with the ecosystem on which we depend.
Until 16 September, 2024.

Il segno dell'acqua, 2023 ©Andrea Bernabini
Il segno dell’acqua, 2023 ©Andrea Bernabini

Fuori fuoco: Giorgio Morandi / Cy Twombly is held at Spazio Antonioni in Ferrara, the new museum dedicated to the Ferrarese director, highlights both the connections and the different artistic translation of the nature canon proposed by Giorgio Morandi and Cy Twombly through an unprecedented comparison with Michelangelo Antonioni.
Morandi’s paintings and Twombly’s ‘nature’ photographs, juxtaposed with archive material and the filmmaker’s conceptual legacy, underline the three artists’ innovative exploration of the devices of vision, such as, for example, their search for light.
Until 29 September, 2024


In Bologna, we will have to wait until 26 September to see at Palazzo Pallavicini the images taken by  Tina Modotti , a leading exponent of photography and political activism in the first half of the 20th century. A hundred or so photographic images, that reveal both her language of intimist tone and a new way of observing reality. The letters between her and Edward Weston, for example, reveal Tina’s obsession with photographic quality and her desire to objectively record life in all its aspects.
From 26 September, 2024 to 16 February, 2025.

©Tina Modotti, Donna a Tehuantepec, Messico, 1929 in Tina Modotti, Palazzo Pallavicini, Bologna
©Tina Modotti, Donna a Tehuantepec, Messico, 1929 in Tina Modotti, Palazzo Pallavicini, Bologna

Another event in the capital, at the seat of the Legislative Assembly, is Con i piedi nel fango. Un racconto ai margini della cronaca by Cristiano Frasca, in which the pictures, taken by the author in Forlì and its surroundings during the days of the flood of 2023, allow even those who did not experience that drama directly to relive those moments. People, law enforcement officers, and volunteers appear, in a chronological and geographical path of what happened and was documented through the perspective of the photojournalist.
Until 23 August, 2024

In This is Not New York: Generative explorations of the urban landscape by Michele Palazzo, at Big Eyes Art Gallery in Bologna, the photographer ‘expands’ his original photographs of New York City with AI, transforming iconic cityscapes into dreamscapes.
Until 19 September 2024.

The FESTIVALS: Savignano sul Rubicone, Bologna and Colorno

The SI FEST, the Festival di Fotografia of Savignano sul Rubicone, is back for three weekends from 13 to 29 September, 2024. Now in its 33rd edition, under the artistic direction of Alex Majoli, SI FEST is an opportunity to see the work of fifteen Italian and international photographers, eleven exhibitions, three solo shows dedicated to award winners, two exhibitions by students from the participating schools, as well as portfolio readings, publishing and conversations.
The Festival proposes a photographic and image education programme for the younger generations, a visual atlas that offers a glimpse of the contemporary world and its infinite facets. ATLAS is the title of the 2024 edition, inspired by the German art historian and critic Aby Warburg’s encyclopaedic atlas of memory.

CLOSER is an invitation to reflect on what happens when, in looking closely at something, we begin to lose the whole in order to access the detail. Focusing on this theme, the fourth edition of PhMuseum Days, an international festival of photography curated and organised by PhMuseum, returns to Bologna at DumBO‘s Spazio Bianco and other venues in the city. The programme includes exhibitions, talks, guided tours, workshops, book presentations.
From 12 to 15 September, 2024

The 15th edition of ColornoPhotoLife 2024, the photographic festival in Colorno (PR), will have its highlight from 27 to 29 September, 2024, although events and exhibitions will continue until 10 November. It is a thematic festival and for the 2024 edition the theme is Totem e Tabù, simboli e modelli tra passato e presente. The exhibitions include one dedicated to Elio Luxardo, portraitist of the stars of Cinecittà in the golden years, as well as Professione reporter: Angelo Cozzi. Prospettive fotografiche del secondo Novecento.

©Stacy Kranitz, series The Year After A Denied Abortion, SI FEST 2024
©Stacy Kranitz, series The Year After A Denied Abortion, SI FEST 2024


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